Fitzgerald Likely To Stick Around

Via Rich

Chicago Business News

Durbin told a news conference that he first wants to sit down with the city’s top federal prosecutor and ask him what he wants in the future. Asked if he would recommend that President-elect Barack Obama renominate Fitzgerald, Durbin said: “Yes.”

“I think he has done an extraordinary job as U.S. attorney; I have the greatest confidence in him,” Durbin said. “I want to do what he wants to do, I want to support what he wants to do and I won’t presume what that is.”

To make it abundantly clear to the tin foil hat brigade, Patrick Fitzgerald can stay as US Attorney as long as he wants during an Obama administration.  The only problem is does Patrick Fitzgerald want to make this one job his life’s work.  I hope he does stay on, but eventually he will want to move on professionally.  He is actually getting married and may want a life at some point.

0 thoughts on “Fitzgerald Likely To Stick Around”
  1. Actually, he already got married, I believe in June. (It must not have been in Cook County because it was kept a secret until after the fact.) I guess his wife must be blessed with extreme patience and a desire to keep a low profile.

  2. I hope Chicagoans and Illini consider themselves lucky to have such a principled USA. This guy is as honest as he is tough minded and effective.

    I believe he’ll choose to continue a career in public service. He discovered public service in the course of his life, on his own, and the rewards of service came as a surprise to him. And success? He’s improved the state of justice in our country and internationally as well.

    Gonzalez, Bush, and Rove have done their best to corrupt DOJ with hacks. Its hard to tell just how successful they’ve been. The only place Fitzgerald could be more effective than USA in Southern Illinois is special prosecutor routing out corrupt political career ideologues in the department.

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