First Question for Keyes on Tuesday Evening

About those polls…

Keyes also said he doesn’t believe polls that show Obama far ahead in Tuesday’s election for the seat now held by U.S. Sen. Peter Fitzgerald.

“As far as I know, for instance, those polls are still showing a majority of pro-life people voting for Barack Obama,” Keyes told reporters at Sangamon County Republican headquarters. “Every time somebody suggests that, I just laugh. … Who would believe such nonsense?”

What Keyes doesn’t get is that every pro-life voter doesn’t view pro-life as the only issue they vote upon. Just as every pro-choice voter doesn’t only use pro-choice issues as their only standard for a candidate.

One big consideration is whether the other guy is a huge loon.

2 thoughts on “First Question for Keyes on Tuesday Evening”
  1. What Keyes doesn’t get is that every pro-life voter doesn’t view pro-life as the only issue they vote upon.

    I am eternally amazed at the number of anti-choice folks who just don’t understand how you can think abortions are less than ideal, but still not base your election decision solely on the choice issue.

    And they never like it when I point out that the number of abortions under “pro-life” Bush have increased.

    Healthy governments beget healthy economies which beget healthy families and healthy families have fewer abortions.

  2. I think that Keyes is actually getting every single vote of people in Illinois who are as opposed to abortion as he is, and then maybe a few more. Remember, this is a guy who thinks abortion should be illegal even in the case of rape or incest. That’s a fringe position, and one I doubt even 20% of the people in Illinois share.

    He’s also one of those people who call hormonal birth control methods (i.e., the pill) an “abortifacient.” That’s an extreme position that probably less than 20% of Illinoisans hold.

    So even if you grant Keyes’s premise that pro-life folks vote pro-life over other issues, he’s still getting all the votes he should be getting. Polls showing him at 20% or so should not be surprising.

    And, oh yeah: he’s a loon.

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