Fine Moments in Staffing

Burris ‘Strategist’ Jason Erkes:

“Every African American leader and public official in this country’s history helped pave the way for the election of the first African American President,” Jason Erkes, Burris’ strategist, said.

Wingman Daily Writer Jason Erkes:

You know THAT GUY. The one who gets the job, gets the girl, gets all the right gadgets, stays out all night at all the right places and still looks like a million bucks the next morning. Don’t be jealous. You can be THAT GUY, and we’re here to help you

Something like a how to for aspiring Tucker Max’s I suppose.

Joe Beanie Entrepeneur Jason Erkes

Jason Erkes started making the yarmulkes in September 2000, after attending a Lieberman for vice president rally in Chicago, where he noticed a group of Jewish school children in the audience waiving Lieberman signs.

“I was looking at the kids, looking at their signs, looking at their yarmulkes,” said Erkes. “A light bulb went off. What better way to show your support than a campaign yarmulke?”

In a few days he began selling his first campaign yarmulke, with its simple “Lieberman 2000” slogan. He says in about six weeks, he sold close to 4,000 through his Internet site,

In recent weeks, Erkes has redesigned the yarmulke and has begun a marketing pitch.

The new ones are white leather and have a few more stars and stripes and read “Lieberman 2004.” They sell for $12.95.

“They’re a little more patriotic,” Erkes told the New Haven Register.

Erkes says the response has been “overwhelming.”

Blair Hull Spokesperson Jason Erkes:

Hull spokesperson Jason Erkes: “We are not buying the seat.
There is a tremendous amount of substance behind the
campaign… We’re right where we want to be. We’re on budget.
We’re on target. Some of the polls show us ahead. It’s an
exciting time. I guess when you can’t attack someone on their
issues, you have to attack them on how they are communicating
their issues. All commercials do is get the voters’ attention.
They still have to believe what is behind it, to go in and punch
the vote” (Fornek, Chicago Sun-Times, 2/19).

I’m sure this sort of campaign team is very reassuring to the DSCC and scaring off Illinois opponents left and right…

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