Fine Moments in Rolandville

The time in a debate when he kept referring to 9/11 as 7-11.

Chicago Daily Herald
January 11, 2002, Friday Cook/DuPage/Fox Valley/Lake/McHenry

Burris, who has lost two previous Democratic governor primaries, displayed his energetic charisma, referring to himself in the third person several times. But he also stumbled. While expressing his support for a third airport in Peotone, Burris referred to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks as taking place on “7-11.

In 2002, when running for Governor, Burris was asked if he supported increased funding for the developmentally disabled and he called it a “no brainer”.

John Shibley call home.

and finally:

Chicago Sun-Times
March 6, 2002 Wednesday

LEGISLATIVE CHALLENGE OF THE NIGHT: “Education, in my program . . . starts at [age] zero . . . really starting in the ninth month of pregnancy, where the mother or the other parent or someone is reading to the child in the womb as the brain is still developing. Those brains will retain those sound waves . . . “

Roland Burris, answering a question about school quality

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