Falwell’s Idiocy
Not that the topic hasn’t been well covered, but there is a good column at Belief.net concerning the Falwell’s selective views on violence in Holy Books.
Interestingly this dovetails into the rather hyperbolic claims of many warbloggers about the inherent nature of Islam. This is nonsense, but an interesting new book is out warning about increasing violence in 3rd World Christianity. That isn’t the theme of the book from what I can tell, but the author, Philip Jenkins, discusses it and the rapid changes Christianity is undergoing outside of the 1st World.
Perhaps the twits need to think more about promoting pluralist institutions and economic growth? Even radical Sikhs use their faith to justify violence. Islam isn’t inherently violent. Islam takes on a violent look when in societies where it is the form or resistance. For those looking for more than a quick lazy answer, it might be of note–so does Christianity in the same conditions.