He supports the Park51/Cordoba House development:


Giannoulias says the world is watching how America responds and
says “Are we going to talk about tolerance, talk about freedom of
religion or are we actually going to practice it?”


I actually think support is the wrong word for much of this.  After all, I’m Presbyterian–do I support a Mosque?  I don’t know how to answer that.  I certainly respect and celebrate the right to build a religious and community facility and practice their faith, but support is a strange verb given the context.   In a sense, I do support this endeavor on the issue that it is meant to foster tolerance, but often the question seems to be whether one supports or does not support a religious center.

As I mentioned the other day, I disapprove of the Church of Scientology templewhateverthehelltheycallit in my neighborhood primarily because the practitioners seem to drive poorly and create more problems than most drivers and they keep bugging me with the annoying IQ flyers.  The Guy Fawkes masked protesters are a plus however.  Yet, it’s besides the point whether I disapprove of them.  They are there and it’s part of life and I’m glad they have that right.

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