No prizes, but take a guess in comments who the English poet that Blagojevich will quote today.

I’m going with Keats.  Even if it isn’t him this time, Blagojevich will get around to him eventually.

0 thoughts on “English Poet Pool”
  1. I love Shel and still give “Sidewalk” to all newborns. You see what Blago has done to us! He is ripping us apart and destroying the very fabric of our society! maybe will start off his press conference with…

    “There once was a man from Nantuckett”

  2. But Shel is from Chicago so Blag might cut him some slack. Maybe Blago should go for Vachel Lindsay. He is from Springfield, a place far far away in a land that Blago only can dream of!

  3. If we are going for Springfield, it’s not like Blagojevich can distinguish between anything South of 80 and west of Kane County so he might as well go for Sandburg and Galesburg.

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