Endorsements, endorsements

Not yet, but I’m looking for a bit of balance. There will be an official ArchPundit endorsement per usual, but I’m generally impressed with most of the Democratic candidates and at least a couple of the Republican Candidates. So if you have a dog in the fight and would like to write an endorsement for them send me a note. I’m going to keep it to one per candidate so don’t write it first and send, let me know you are interested. I’ll post them along with my endorsements early next week.

Also–any of the Congressional Candidates who want some electronic press write me–I have a new feature coming that might be worth a try.

Strangely, I seldom hear from Republicans in Illinois, but they should feel welcome to submit for their candidate. In Missouri, I have a ton of Republican readers who comment fairly regularly. I have no idea why.

The e-mail is archpundit@yahoo.com (I haven’t added it to this blog yet–oops).

2 thoughts on “Endorsements, endorsements”
  1. AP, put me down for Sen. Obama!

    Thks, for the Ill Blogs listing and the many hits from it. Will return the favor.

    And, if anyone writes an endorsement of Oberweis, I’ll have a nice frame waiting for it!

  2. Of course AP, U wanna take ALL the glory by writing an endorsement for such an impressive and capable candidate as Obama! And yes, it will be a heartfelt, thoughtful and passionate piece that reflects your excitement. Cheater!

    If you give me a day or so, I could work up enuff intolerant, paranoid, xenophobic, closed-minded and compassionate-challenged bile and put together an endorsement of Oberweis?

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