Sam Adams just told us their strategy:

“I am absolutely certain that I will be absolutely vindicated,” he said, before turning the press conference over to his criminal defense lawyers. One of them, Sam Adams Jr., told the press that Christmas week was far too soon for Blagojevich to conclude that he was crippled and leave office, and that he’d consider questions like that closer to Easter.

Let me make this incredibly clear to the Lege–you are leaving this delusional idiot in charge of the state every day you drag this out.  Finish it before Christmas or there will be a voter outcry like you’ve never seen.  We know what we need to know to remove him. Just do it–now.

0 thoughts on “End it Now”
  1. They’re completely out of it. Adams sounded like this was some election campaign and he was the campaign spokesman — in so many words: ‘health care for seniors”, everything for the “good of the people of Illinois”, etc.

    You’d think he had shown up on the wrong set. His message, considering the context, was completely incoherent.

  2. As best I can tell, the reason the lege is taking so long is that they are very cognizant of the fact that what they do to Blago will set precedent for any future impeachment proceedings. While the case for impeaching Blago is shut before it was ever open, not being thorough in doing the impeachment will leave the door open to all sorts of future shenanigans the instant that a future governor gets on the lege’s bad side.

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