Democratic Senate Roll Call 9/19

1. Dan Hynes. Announced, is doing okay, but not as well as he should be. Some troubling rumbles for him if he doesn’t get on the ball. Still in first though. To hold on, needs cash and some visibility.

2. Barack Obama. The media darling-Rich Miller, Kristen McQueary, Steve Neal and many others join the ranks slobbering over him. I do too, so that isn’t entirely perjorative. Strong candidate and making strong inroads with the liberal base while keeping independent labor support. Doing well on cash. Big help coming from high limit on individual contributions due to Hull being in the race.

3. Blair Hull. Cash is starting to have an effect and is making some inroads with black clergy in the city. Good rumbles around the campaign amongst Democrats. Still has to shake the rich guy only. Name recognition is going up.

4. Maria Pappas. Not technically in the race yet, but still has the name. No cash or organization yet, make it difficult.

5. Gery Chico. Has cash, not much else. Good guy, but isn’t getting much traction beside corporate dollars. The death knell will sound if he fails to keep the fundraising pace with Obama.

6. Nancy Skinner. Weird activist buzz. No cash. No real chance. Probably will have some good one liners during the campaign and certainly adds some color to the race.

7. Joyce Washington. Not much news or activity. Rush backed Hull over her in brouha over whether he was a machine tool. Joyce is nice, but she could be being used by forces larger than herself. Self-financing to a point.

8. Matt O’Shea. I’m sure he is a nice guy.

9. Frank Avila. Huh?

10. Estella Johnson-Hunt Huh? Squared.

11. Vic Roberts. Everyone’s favorite crackpot candidate. Can’t wait for the Eric Zorn interview.

Hynes is in real danger of losing his status as a frontrunner. Even his kick-off event garnered little attention. He isn’t in the news and his on-line presence for activists is nill. He needs a message as well.

For Senate links go to my Senate Page. Illinois Senate is linked as is Eric Zorn’s interviews. It will be updated with some regularity.

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