Daily Dolt: Yes, Fox News, A Black Man Ran For US Senate in Illinois in 1858

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And argued to allow new territories to include slavery. He was not the Douglass who born a slave, escaped to New York and then became an abolitionist leader.

But they hosts insist they have read the debates. Sure. I haven’t read the full debates. I doubt they even know what topics they covered.  Small historical irony–Stephen Douglass used Frederick Douglass’ approving comments of Lincoln against Lincoln.

0 thoughts on “Daily Dolt: Yes, Fox News, A Black Man Ran For US Senate in Illinois in 1858”
  1. This is a hilarious post.

    Still, I can’t believe you’re not blogging on the night that Obama finally clinches it. Well, yeah, Indy is a tie, but even if she doesn’t actually quit tomorrow, the superdels will roll in the next week.

    It’s over. We won!

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