As usual, complete shlock, this time on the RHAA.
The Reproductive Health and Access Act, HB 2354, often referred to as the “Freedom of Choice Act”, or FOCA, declares that “every individual posses a fundamental right of privacy with respect to reproductive decisions”( Section 5). In support of this the bill mandates that “All Illinois public schools shall offer medically accurate, age appropriate, comprehensive sexual health education” (Section 30).
But will this sex ed have to be “anthropologically accurate”, i.e., will it approach sexuality in a manner similar to how human societies throughout history have approached sexuality, as a physical/emotional attraction between males and females that is the basis of marriage and the natural family? Or will the various approved curricula be “politically correct”, and view sexuality in the manner of the psych/educrat establishment, as sensation to be gratified in any way the individual desires provided everyone involved gives their consent, and no one approach is to be “privileged” over any other; casual sexual contacts among multiple individuals are “just as good” and traditional marriage.
This is what we refer to as making shit up and presenting a straw man argument no one is actually advocating.
Medically accurate isn’t too hard to understand for most people. You use actual biological terminology to refer to body parts like penis instead of pee-pee (and yes, this is a not uncommon problem in some such sex ed). It also means you explain how the reproductive system works, how contraception methods work, and medically accurate information about STDs. This is in contrast to much of the abstinence only education that often teaches things like HIV can pass through latex condoms even if there is not a break.
Essentially, medically accurate means teach the biology behind reproductive systems in an accurate way instead of making up garbage. Young people have a fundamental right to understand their body with medically accurate information. If we wish them to make wise choices with their body, the only way to do that is to start with accurate information.
The head in the sand routine calling for only sex during marriage ignores that well over 90 percent of the population has premarital sex and that’s been true for essentially 40 years.
It’s a fairly easy to understand point for most of the population. Like over 90 percent of it.
Sometimes I like to go to and see how many perfect IR examples I think of with the day’s articles.
I think we need an IR failblog.