Daily Dolt: Etiquette Experts

Perhaps the stupidest article in some time is in the Tribune quoting etiquette experts who are very dismayed that a politician might use foul language.

Certainly Blagojevich’s language was overshadowed by the criminal accusations against him. But many say a public official, even in supposedly private conversations, should be held to a higher standard of discourse.

“You expect more from a governor,” said Barbara Pachter, an expert on business etiquette. “You don’t always get it, but you expect more. This is just lousy behavior. We don’t want our governors to be drunken sailors.”

Because the Lege is also full of people who use pristine language.

0 thoughts on “Daily Dolt: Etiquette Experts”
  1. Good grief! I’ve heard more euphemisms for bad language too. Salty, blue(!?)… It’s a bit like witnessing a murder and being upset that the murderer didn’t clean up the crime scene. Perhaps it’s rude, but gee whiz, are there bigger fish to fry here.

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