Daily Dolt: Atlas Shrugs

Holy Cow:


Drunk on radical ideology, Stanley “Ann” Dunham became pregnant in the summer of 1960 in Seattle WA with the baby of a prominent black liberal activist. But in 1960, unmarried parents and children suffered penalties ranging from confinement in isolated maternity homes to parental rejection and community disapproval. To be “illegitimate” was to be shamed and shunned and labeled as immoral. The belief that children born out of wedlock posed significant social and public health problems was widespread.  In the case of mixed race children, perceptions of illegitimacy were compounded by legal segregation in education, housing, employment, and voting.  Recall that it wasn’t until 1965 that The National Voting Rights Act was passed to outlaw discriminatory voting practices that had been responsible for the widespread disenfranchisement of African Americans.  Laws against interracial marriage and interracial sex existed in several US states and US territories until a Supreme Court decision in 1967.

With racial unrest at its peak, the Dunham’s wanted to move as far away as possible from their predominantly white conservative community to allow Ann to have her illegitimate child in relative obscurity.  So the Dunham’s abruptly moved to the new state of Hawaii (Aug of 1959) where whites were the minority and a mixed race child would be more accepted. In a 1959 interview with the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Obama Sr. described the absence of racial prejudice in Hawaii as “unique.” No one, he marveled, “seems to be conscious of color.” Obama Sr’s perceptions of race relations in Hawaii were that he thought it “rather strange … even rather amusing, to see Caucasians discriminated against here.”

In the early 1960’s there were noticeable very few African Americans on the streets of Honolulu, and Obama Sr. was the only Black man from Africa on the island.  Ann Dunham, in an effort to legitimize her mixed race baby, would have sought out one of the only black men on the island to convince him to use his name.  And so Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was likely pressed into service as father and husband in name only.  Barack Sr. had no moral objections because to gain recognition in the Kenyan community, one needed to be polygamous. Polygamy enhanced your status, and symbolized that you were a wealthy man. Obama Sr’s name on the certificate of birth would legitimize the birth, and conceal the identity of the true father…a win-win for all parties.

The true father?

Malcolm X.

Preacher on the quad crazy.

0 thoughts on “Daily Dolt: Atlas Shrugs”
  1. That. Is. Fucking. AWESOME!

    The comments are great too. “oooh oooh oooh, look at the side by side grainy internet photos…they both point their fingers…Malcolm X MUST be his real father!”

    Teh awesome, it uplifts me.

  2. Carl…

    Then it is obvious that Obama is part of sort of huge 60’s plot man, Ayers, Malcom X, can’t you see it man…

    It’s the revenge of the Weather Underground 40 years later…

    Can’t you see it man.

  3. And the great thing about America is that all those kooks get to vote too.

    I think I’ll be taking the kids’ car seats out of the van on Tuesday so I can help drive rational folks to the polls.

  4. Rob_N

    Your taking Republicans, bless your heart…

    Bartlet: I was watching a television program before, with a kind of roving moderator who spoke to a seated panel of young women who were having some sort of problem with their boyfriends – apparently, because the boyfriends had all slept with the girlfriends’ mothers. And they brought the boyfriends out, and they fought, right there on television. Toby, tell me: these people don’t vote, do they?

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