Fox News-–which unless they have changed it, haven’t apologized and haven’t corrected the story instead taking Obama’s response and saying they are just ‘putting that out there’.
They called Anderson Cooper the “Paris Hilton of Television News”
Call It A Comeback
Fox News-–which unless they have changed it, haven’t apologized and haven’t corrected the story instead taking Obama’s response and saying they are just ‘putting that out there’.
They called Anderson Cooper the “Paris Hilton of Television News”
I guess that makes Fox News the “Joseph Goebbels of television news”… (sorry for proving Godwin’s Law, but Republican News Channel clearly stepped right into that one)
I thought it was funny… Hell, the competition is healthy…
The line could be funny in certain circumstances, the problem being in this case, Fox is refusing to even admit it made an error.
Well of course…don’t you understand journalistic ethics? it’s okay to report that another reported a story even though the original one is wrong. What, you didn’t know that?
I think the world works on this assumption: When the media says something bad about me it is always a lie, when they say something bad about someone else it’s holy writ.
FNS isn’t any better or any worse than anyone else in correcting their mistakes. That’s why I’m glad blogs have merged. There’s a whole cottage industry of bloggers correcting Paul Krugman — they even show where he has been in conflict with his own work.
I think if we sat around and waited for all of these clowns to own up their mistakes then we’d never get anything done. Hopefully, FNS will own up to it and move on. But given all the other blatant errors in reporting I’ve seen in my lifetime, none of them are worth the effort.
There’s a whole cottage industry of bloggers correcting Paul Krugman — they even show where he has been in conflict with his own work.
Oh, you mean like Andrew Sullivan, who doesn’t understand anything Krugman writes? Come to think of it, that’s true of most people who criticize Krugman.
But given all the other blatant errors in reporting I’ve seen in my lifetime, none of them are worth the effort.
It wasn’t an error: it was a deliberate lie. If you don’t understand the difference, shut up.