More posts later, but I wanted to issue a quick correction. Yesterday I gave kudos to the Pantagraph for breaking the story that Blagojevich was monitoring newscasts from around the state using prison personnel. It was a good story, but it appears that the Pantagraph didn’t do the initial legwork–Rich Miller of the Capitol Fax did. Last night I read a similar story in the State Journal-Register, and that story credited Miller which confused me. Not having time last night to track down the story, I left it for today.
Before I could check, I received confirmation today that the story had been, well, stolen without credit. Bad Pantagraph and Good Rich Miller. The Miller story was much better for what it is worth. It is only available to subscribers though.
Let me plug the redesign again. Not only does he post sample stories on many days, but it provides one of the better central locations to find Illinois political news and information.