Contraception Threatens Marriage

I believe Josh Marshall suggested his rants about gay marriage would discuss how that would lead to the weakening of marriage, but Alan takes it a step further, contraception is a cause of marriage breakdown.

No-fault divorce introduced the breakdown of marriage, said Keyes. Contraception greatly advanced it. And now the suppression of the child from marriage from marriage has become a fundamental right – even if the most extreme means are called for.

Now, of course, some people are personally against contraception and that is their business, but claiming it leads to the dissolution of marriage is wacky. As the father of twins, trust me, contraception can strengthen a marriage.

On top of this, we know, Keyes would end Griswold–the case that said contraception was covered under the right to privacy, but would he legislate against the availabitity of contraceptives?

5 thoughts on “Contraception Threatens Marriage”
  1. Claiming that contraception has lead to the dissolution of marriage is not wacky. The demands of supporting large families probably did force many couples to stay together. Does that mean that marriages were healthier? of course not. We also had 15-year girls marrying 50-year men 100 years ago. Just because that couple wouldn’t get a divorce doesn’t mean it is a model we should emulate.

    What you do see is part of a glimpse of an entire ideology that has been clearly rejected by most Americans.

  2. Todd–I understand your point–and some family economics–actually a lot supports the idea that women with resources can lead to dissolution. The difference in the argument is that he is arguing that something different–that marriage without procreation is against God’s Laws. Now, if Catholics believe that individually, they are free to do so, but Keyes sees this as a larger public policy issue.

    And nice blog–I’ll add you to Blog Saint Louis when I get a chance.

  3. The no-fault divorce point also has significance- has no one ever tapped Alan on the shoulder to explain that, broader usage aside, a key driving force behind no fault divorce laws is giving abused spouses a less difficult exit from a bad situation?

  4. These posts on contraception, well, if women knew he is against contraception, women would raise holy hell against this space cadet. Keyes is dangerous in regard to womens’ rights. Somebody has to expose this guy for what he is. The IL GOP would be FORCED to withdraw Keyes and pick another candidate.

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