Dan Conley has his take on the Illinois Primary over at the Political Wire (Taegan graciously linked to here, Capitol Fax and IlliniPundit last night)
I’m largely in agreement with the above. Dan also takes on the Governor on his own blog. I’m not convinced the Governor is in bad of a spot as he thinks, though clearly having approval ratings in the 40s means he has problems ahead.
Dan Conley: “Chris Bowers of MyDD suggested last night that the Duckworth campaign pay for a primary recount as a way of buying off Cegelis’s support, which has to rank as the wackiest political idea of the day.”
Wacky? I’d say just plain stupid. Shows you how detached Bowers is from Planet Earth — or at least that small patch of it called Illinois. The whole MyDD-netroots clique makes me want to barf.