Complaints About Robin Kelly’s Supporters Being Problematic From Toi Hutchinson Backers A Bit Hypocritical

Donne Trotter and Napoleon Harris have both endorsed Kelly and their problematic issues–Harris in particular is pro-life and anti-gay.  So one might think that Toi Hutchinson would never accept such support right?  No, don’t be silly–politics is about addition and endorses don’t always have the same views as the endorsee.  You certainly turn down the Matt Hale’s when they offer you an endorsement–neither Toi nor Robin would have to worry about that for obvious reasons–but you do accept most endorsements even from people you disagree with on some key issues.

Hutchinson made a direct criticism of Robin Kelly for accepting these endorsements

Vlad Gutman, campaign manager for Toi Hutchinson’s campaign for Congress, today made the following statement on Robin Kelly’s endorsements over the last two days:
While pretending to be an advocate for gun safety reform, Robin Kelly yesterday accepted the endorsement of someone facing a felony gun charge. And today, after claiming to be a progressive supporter of women’s rights, she accepted the endorsement of Senator Napoleon Harris, one of the Democratic Party’s most deeply conservative voices. Senator Harris is on record as anti-choice, anti-marriage equality, against the Equal Rights Amendment, and in favor of voter ID laws. Anyone who values these rights needs to question whether Robin Kelly can be trusted to stand up for them in Washington.

So Toi wouldn’t accept anyone like that would she? Of course she would.  From the Kankakee Daily Journal

Both Republicans and Democrats in Kankakee County are throwing support behind state Sen. Toi Hutchinson’s bid to take the 2nd Congressional District seat formerly held by Jessie Jackson Jr.

Kankakee County Republicans held a bipartisan rally for Hutchinson, D-Olympia Fields, on Monday, and the Kankakee County Democratic Central Committee handed her a unanimous endorsement earlier in the day. The rally, held at The Homestead Restaurant in Kankakee, featured county and municipal officials from both political parties.

“People are so locked into their differences that we don’t talk,” Hutchinson said. “But I’ve never met a person who didn’t want good schools, a good job or a safe place to go home. It’s about moving all of us forward.”

Hutchinson is one of three front-runners in the Feb. 26primary election in a field of 10 Democratic candidates. Former U.S. Rep. Debbie Halvorson, who held a seat in the former 11th Congressional District, and former state Rep. Robin Kelly also are considered front-runners, according to recent polls conducted by their campaigns.

Bruce Adams, a Democrat and mayor of Bradley, one of Kankakee County’s Democratic strongholds, said both parties recognized the benefits of working together.

“I think it’s important that we at the local level do things in a bipartisan manner so people in Springfield and Washington, D.C., know we mean business,” Adams said.

Mike Bossert, Republican Kankakee County Board chairman, said his party agreed with the approach.

“It’s about getting our county behind a candidate who supports us,” Bossert said. “We thought we’d put partisan issues aside and come together.”

For their part, the local Democratic Party handed Hutchinson their unanimous endorsement in an official statement earlier in the day. John Willard, Kankakee County Democratic Central Committee chairman, called the unanimous endorsement from his party “rare.”

“It really speaks to how firmly Democrats in Kankakee County are behind Toi Hutchinson,” Willard said. “We know when Toi goes to Congress, she will work tirelessly to create jobs, improve our infrastructure and support the core ideals of the Democratic Party.”

James Taylor Sr., a Republican candidate vying for his party’s nomination to the post, also announced on Monday he was dropping out of the primary race and endorsing Hutchinson for the job.

James Taylor is a peach (scroll down to read the different bits for the following on Facebook)

  • -Opposes President Obama
    • Called for Obama to be voted out of office
      • “What we all need to do is vote to get President Barack Obama out of the White House before our entire country looks like the black communities he has helped to destroy.”
      • “I believe future historians will look back on this time in years to come and see the November 2012 Presidential Elections as a major cross-roads in the survival of the American Dream and that the success of American will be marked by voters, and that includes black voters deciding to back a not perfect Republican agenda above that of a socialist one supplied by President Barack Obams. (sic) God willing, the black voter and voters of all races will make the right decision.”
    • Said “his failures have far exceeded even the often alleged failures of former President George Bush.”
    • Said Obama has “relegated (African-Americans) to second-class citizenship.”
    • Accused Obama of political corruption.
    • Said Obama “and the Democratic Party is (sic) robbing black Americans.”
    • Taylor’s newspaper, The City News, endorsed Mitt Romney for president.
    • Taylor on his reasons for running for Congress: “My reason for running for Congress is I am concerned about the direction our nation is headed and about the failed leadership of President Barack Obama and where his socialist form of government is leading America.”
    • Called for Obama’s impeachment: “Now, don’t get mad, but the next word may just be, impeachment! We all know the saying, “If it looks like a duck……..then it is a duck”
    •  Called the Congressional Black Caucus “as useful as tit’s on a bull.”
    • “The Democratic Party is truly the party of the four S’s: slavery, secession, segregation and now socialism.”

He’s a Tea-Partier with all the attendant crazy ideas

  • A strong military budget
  • Efforts to make English the official language of the U.S.
  • Laws to oppose amnesty to illegal aliens
  • Legislation to allow contributions to individual savings accounts to replace some Social Security Taxes
  • Repeal the Obama Health Care Laws and replace them with a contributions based, Proactive Health Tax Abatement Plan
  • Stimulating the economy and create jobs by cutting taxes on small businesses
  • A balanced budget
  • Pro-Life initiatives
  • Capital Punishment
  • Legalized Prayers in Schools
  • Freeze in discretionary spending and freeze on Federal salaries
  • Change the way America utilizes foreign aid by introducing a plan to trade America’s natural resources for the natural resources of the nations this country helps, (Example – America trades grains and other assistance / agricultural expertise to countries in exchange for oil, minerals and other natural resources.
0 thoughts on “Complaints About Robin Kelly’s Supporters Being Problematic From Toi Hutchinson Backers A Bit Hypocritical”
  1. February 16, 20132

    City News Rescinds Endorsement of Senator Toi Hutchinson

    For the first time in forty-two years of publication and making political endorsements The Kankakee City News is forced to rescind it’s endorsement of Illinois State Senator Toi Hutchinson for U.S. Congress Illinois 2nd District.
    Learning of the unethical, if not illegal, spending of campaign funds by Senator Hutchinson to her mother for as, “events scheduling”, the editorial board of the Kankakee City News has no alternative but to rescind it’s previous endorsement of Hutchinson.
    “We believe that a public servant should exercise honesty and sincerity in the performing of all duties related to the office for which they have been elected and we believe that the secret practice of Senator Hutchinson in the paying of funds to her mother as her official scheduler violates the public trust. We see no practical difference between the actions of Senator Hutchinson in this practice than we do in that of former U.S. Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. and his wife, former Chicago 7th Ward Alderwoman Sandy Jackson as both acts are in our collective opinions a violation of the public trust.”
    It is for that reason that the editorial board of the Kankakee City News announces the formal endorsement of candidate for U.S. Congress Illinois 2nd District Robin Kelly.
    While we disagree with Kelly on her stance of limiting the rights of gun owners, we have known Robin Kelly as a fair, honest and sincere individual and believe she will represent the residents of the 2nd Congressional in a fair, honest and above all, ethical manner.
    James Taylor Sr. Publisher.

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