Charles Murray is talking about them smart Jews:

Of more concern: whether Jews should brag about their big brains, even if studies show them to have high intelligence. “You’ve got to talk about these things carefully,” said Murray, who learned the hard way. “Only an Iowan raised as a Presbyterian could get away with talking about Jewish IQ the way I can because Jews get so embarrassed about Jewish IQ: ‘We know we’re smart but don’t tell anyone else.’ ” By coincidence, the AEI forum came on a day that was rather good for Jews in Washington.

I’m an Illinoisan raised as a Presbyterian and I also have basic comprehension of statistics and why this qualifies as one of the most inane discussions even for one held at AEI.   At least Sullivan isn’t trained in statistics.  Murray’s an embarrasment and should go the way of John “Mary Rosh” Lott at AEI.

Oh, wait, AEI is full of very serious people.

4 thoughts on “Chuckles is Back”
  1. So why doesn’t he get the hell out of there? Honestly, it was difficult for me to take him seriously at first because of all of the loonies they have working there.

  2. I don’t know. I’d think they are pretty hostile to him given what he’s written about the administration and especially the Republican Congress. I would think he could move over to Brookings relatively easily too.

    Then again, they don’t dare tell him to shut up.

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