Chips Falling, Chips Exploding

Got to hand it to Keyes, when he is given a chance to say he was a bit over the top, he rejects the chance out of hand. WJBC Transcript (Bloomington-Norma):

FAST: That’s fine if that’s your position, but I just want to articulate, would you consider in this act as evil are the people that–the doctors and the women that perform and receive abortions, are they evil, as well?

KEYES: Well, let me just state the objective fact. Right now, we are engaged in a war against terror. What distinguishes terror from ordinary warfare is that a terrorist consciously targets innocent human life, uses violence, and consciously targets that life to achieve their agenda. What is the heart of abortion? Consciously targeting innocent human life. I think we are caught now in a time when the evil that we fight is the shadow of the evil that we do. And we need to think this through, because at the level of our moral commitment to the fight against terrorism, this kind of thing could lead to terrible moral confusion of conscience as we have to wage the battle to secure this nation against these vicious terrorists.

So, don’t blame me for the objective fact–and the objective fact is that abortion reflects the same principle of evil, and it’s a principle totally, totally contradicted by the view that we are all created equal, that justice requires that we respect everybody’s rights, even those who are helpless and voiceless in the womb.

So, it is simply a fact. I state that fact because I believe that one has to stand before people, speak the truth with integrity, and really let the chips fall where they may.

One thought on “Chips Falling, Chips Exploding”
  1. Mr. Keyes has something to learn about the difference between facts and opinion. Just because he states that something is fact ad nauseum does not make it so. And the “objective fact” bit is especially entertaining, considering the subjectivity of the topic.

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