Consider this a catch-all for interesting stuff:
Eric Zorn has been crusading on the Death Penalty along with the investigative journalists Mills and Armstrong. For those who watched CNN’s coverage of Ryan’s Commutation speech, Zorn was the guy standing next to Mills when they interviewed him. Zorn had a bemused look at his less well known colleague getting some national recognition. A few days ago Zorn followed up with Anthony Porter’s original lawyer, Dan Sanders. Unfortunately, Sanders seems to have had a breakdown and is now living with his mother and playing scrabble. One can hope there is more to his story than what we see today.
In the same column, Zorn blast Mosley-Braun and gives warm thoughts to Obama in the Senate race. Dan Hynes has a ton of organization support and he’ll be tough to beat, but it is hard to find anyone as exciting as Obama.
As Talk Left pointed out yesterday, Thomas Breen is working to clear two men he convicted and the Chicago Tribune gives him a at tribute today.
License for Bribes Fawell trial continues and Fawell is in trouble.