Check back over the weekend for content–there will be some this weekend. No GOP convention though–sick little girl.
in the meantime go to the right–Barack Obama, Melissa Bean and Join Cross–the Join Cross folks will probably update from the convention, but probably skip the juicy stuff….
And Tari Renner! has joined us! The ad is a special one so it won’t be in rotation, but will be up. More on Tari’s campaign over the weekend and more on the Bean race. I still have a couple slots available for anyone else. The rules are they rotate except for the Obama ad which was my very first ad and I a made a promise for it. The others rotate one spot each day. $10/week–$15/two weeks–$20/month. The site averages between 350-500 visits on a weekday.
So, we should give to this GOP Cross guy? Sorry if I sem ignorant but whaaaa? I’m confused…
Yes you should. Give him lots of money…..
I leave that up to you. I like the LEader, but ultimately I am a Democrat so while I’ll recommend the site, I don’t do fundraising pitches for them. Oneman is free to….
I get it, I guess a good state politics site is rare enough that it will attract readers from across the political spectrum regardless of its political orientation…
Now if only there was a good state politics blog in CA besides weintraub’s which is just ok…
^_~,pretty good!18showsseeoo