The DCCC’s first priority is always to reelect Democratic Members of Congress and then it moves on to capturing other seats.  A pretty good deal if you are a Democratic Member of Congress and on top of that, it’s a 5 minute walk to their offices to do fundraising or other political work.

Jackson Jr, sitting on a warchest of over $1 million doesn’t seem to think his rather low dues of $150,000 are worth paying...

Now, if Jesse wants to be the guy who is a good Democrat and wants support from the Party, shouldn’t he support the Party?

Pay the bill Congressman. 

One thought on “Cheapskate Jesse”
  1. Good unethical thinking by Amy Klobuchar? (D-MN)
    Dr. Jack Shepard

    “Klobuchar said she wants to arrest and extradite Shepard because his two candidacies were an “in-your-face” challenge to the legal system.” What ever happened to that kind, friendly sweet talking Wayzata High School student named Amy Klobuchar? With her unethical prejudging statements and her new vocabulary ?in-your-face? it seems by her language and statements she has learned more and was influenced more by the felons and criminals that she proudly and unethically takes advantage of by listing some on her US Senatorial Candidacy Web Site; much like a hunter would cut the heads off of the game he had just killed and place their heads above the fireplace in his house to show off his recent kills to his friends. Somewhere along the way Amy Klobuchar took a change for the worse.

    Dr. Jack Shepard recently was quoted as saying we must all remember according to an article written by Patrick Sweeney in the Pioneer Press; Patrick Sweeney quoted now US Senatorial Candidate Amy Klobuchar; as saying when referring to Dr. Shepard, “They get charged with a crime, they do the time.”

    By running the Hennepin County prosecutor?s office accordingly to her statements; now DFL candidate Amy Klobuchar?s shows us how she clearly differs with President Bush on this issue. Amy Klobuchar often tells us she differs with President Bush on principles. Well now we know!

    We finally all know where Hennepin County Attorney DFL Senatorial hopefully Amy Klobuchar differs with President George W. Bush by her recent statement that Patrick Sweeney of the St. Paul Pioneer Press and the AP Wire service quoted her at saying.

    While President George W. Bush recently said, referring to the Russian Criminal Justice System, a person in the American Criminal Justice System is considered innocent until proven guilty by a jury or a judge in our Democracy, but in Russia they seem to judge the person guilty even before he goes to trial. The right to be considered innocent until proven guilty is one of our guarantees under our American Bill of Rights.

    But no for Amy Klobuchar by her unethical statements like these here shows us how she clearly differs from President Bush; for Amy Klobuchar just because a person is charged with a crime, they do not need a trial, judge or jury; for Amy ?they will do the time?. By her own statements Amy Klobuchar is clearly telling us that she does not believe the our American Bill of Rights, where every American is guaranteed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty with a fair trial by judge and jury. A person with the Legal opinions of Amy Klobuchar would have more in common working in the Russia legal system then working in our American system. In America a person is considered innocent until proven so by a judge and jury during a fair trial.

    Klobuchar?s Office has since asked the FBI to locate Shepard in Italy so he can he arrested and extradited to the US for trial. Amy was urgently looking for a national court case to use to help her political career; her thinking hopefully another high level case to list on her Campaign Web site. Just before the election, sorry Amy.

    One problem with Klobuchar’s request to have Dr. Shepard arrested and extradited; as Pete Cahill, (612)348-5550) top assistant to Klobuchar recently told Dr. Jack Shepard; that the Italian Government refused Klobuchar’s request to arrest and extradite Dr. Jack Shepard. The vary fact that the Italian Government refused to arrest and extradite Dr. Jack Shepard proves that Amy Klobuchar unethical statements are really unethical and prejudging statement that a public official should not just talk with reporters and give her unethical opinions in a way to try use the mass media instead of the court room to win her cases in.

    After consultations with the highest levels of the American Government the Italian Government agreed with the American Government not to interfere with Dr. Shepard counter-terrorism activities and to continue to respect the excellent working relationship that Dr. Shepard has had will the Italian government for over 23 years and refuse Amy Klobuchar request to arrest or extradite him.

    I like Dr. King, Jr., will not rest until Dr. King?s dream in a reality, when he said ?Now is the time to make justice a reality for all God?s children.? Amy Klobuchar unfortunately does not share this dream, if we judge her by her actions abs statements.

    I find is so very sad that a Public Servant like Attorney Amy Klobuchar that has sworn an oath to uphold the Bill Rights should abuse her office by making such unethical unprofessionally pre-trial statements to a journalist to be published which is strictly forbidden by the legal code of ethics in Minnesota.

    But that was not even enough for Amy Klobuchar; who is the type of person who like to see her name in print, to make herself more important to the point that she is even driven to make statements to reporters in such a hurry, just to get things she saying reported on in as many newspapers as she can, that in my case she was so busy making statements to the St. Paul Pioneer Press and the Associated Press news service about my case; she had not even time to read the findings and statements that I made to the Fire Department. Concerning the arson attack on me while I was home sleeping in my bedroom.

    Amy Klobuchar to get the most attention in the newspapers was in such a hurry that she did not taking time to read my statements to the Minneapolis Fire Department, she was being quoted Patrick Sweeney of the Pioneer Press newspaper as saying, ?we are not afraid of old cases if we can find the witnesses, ?especially one witness saw Dr. Shepard running out of his dental office and get into his black corvette and drive away.?

    What would his witness do but confirm my sworn statement to the Minneapolis Fire Department that I was at home sleeping in my bedroom when I awaken by smoke and fire all around me in the my bedroom and I was so scared I was running for my life. I got out of that house and drove in shock to my mothers house

    What happened to the kind Amy Klobuchar who graduated from Wayzata High School; she even when so far as to insult my professional of dentistry; what she said was really an insult to every dentist in Minnesota and for that matter every dentist in America.

    Amy Klobuchar was quoted by Patrick Sweeney as saying, ?Just because he has money? he?s a dentist.?

    I consider statements like this by Amy Klobuchar against dentistry as very unjust and unfounded. I like all dentists provide a very important health service by help people by remove the causes of extreme suffering and pain. I have never turn a way a person in extreme pain if they did not have money. Amy Klobuchar has to learn not everyone is so concerned with money like she sounds. I do not have to quote Jesus? statement concerning Attorney?s in the Bible to you.

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