Cattle Call Comment Period 3-15

Just one today, drop in anything happening around the state. Radio and mailers should be big today. Otherwise it is just a bunch of campaigns showing the colors to excite their voters.

One thought on “Cattle Call Comment Period 3-15”
  1. Hynes people are still very confident. All refer to downstate support. It worked for Blagojevich. He had downstate and union support. However, Vallas had most of the Chicago liberal votes and Burris had the African-American vote. Obama has the latter two. So hopefully the combination will add up to more than what Hynes has. Also Hynes doesn’t seem to have as much machine muscle as Blago. Certian peices have been carved out by other candidates. The Hynes Clan stills scares me though. They are either delusional or know something I don’t. Maybe their just trying to keep their sprirts up. I think it’s going to be very close.

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