Don’t Confuse me with being a fan of Kerry
I tend to like to call him Liveshot–hysterical numbers from post Katrina polling at Zogby that tells of how big of a problem Kerry created for himself in 2004:
In a sign of just how severe the damage to the President’s standing caused by Katrina is, the Zogby America survey finds that, despite his re-election last fall, President Bush would lose to every modern president since Jimmy Carter, the one-term Democrat who left office amid record unpopularity and a presidency rated, at the time, dismally. He would also lose to his own father, who left office amid an economic recession triggered, in part, by a devastating hurricane.
However, in one of the few bright spots for the President, he would still beat Massachusetts Democrat John Kerry, by a narrow, one-point margin.
It’s nice that he decided to fight back. Over two years too late.