Keyes’ Company

Keyes’ Company: Alan Keyes Lives in Bill Kristol

There’s something about Obama that makes people opposed to him explode into a burst of hot gas with the most recent example being Bill Kristol (video on C & L):

KRISTOL: We’re electing a war president in 2008. If I can go back to Obama and Lincoln for just one second, Lincoln’s “house divided” speech in 1858 was a speech saying we cannot live as a house divided on slavery. And he implicitly says we’ll have to fight a civil war if necessary on this.

Obama’s speech is a “can’t we get along” speech — sort of the opposite of Lincoln. He would have been with Stephen Douglas in 1858. Let’s paper over these differences, rise above politics and all get along. That’s not Giuliani’s mode. And I think in a war context, social conservatives want to win the war against Islamic jihadism.

Last guy to say something this dumb: Alan Keyes:

So, have to give it to Keyes, when he says something most people would find embarrassing and over the top and is called on it, he doesn’t shrink from it. This morning on CNN when called on the Slaveholder line they showed him saying it and then they showed Obama responding. Obama responded slowly, surprised it was this wacky this quickly, and actually twitched and then said the bit about Keyes needing to look to Republican Party leaders about whether such language is appropriate.

Keyes then defended the quote and in effect reiterated it saying he doesn’t have to look to his party because he (Keyes), knows his heritage. He didn’t just embrace the quote, he grabbed on it and wrestled it to the ground.

Keyes’ Company

How Obama is Like Barbaro

Similarly, those who swoon at the sight of Senator Beefcake can find in his ponderous, ambiguous statements about serious issues whatever they want to hear. The shame that was Katrina isn’t about race, except that it is. He is a devout Christian who is proud of his brother’s conversion to Islam. He is black, except when he’s thinking of himself as a “half breed.”

Liberals have a well-known propensity for adopting mascots and purporting to speak for them. If they literally can’t speak for themselves (inanimate objects like trees, animals), all the better. Now they have applied this standard to the man that I call He Who Walks on Water and what at least one commentator has called an empty suit who is no doubt delighted to watch his political fortunes rise without his having to clarify what he really thinks, and his real agenda for this country. Come to think of it, we would be better off with Mr. Ed.

So the first African-American Harvard Law Review is a mascot who can’t speak for himself. A guy who was an Instructor at University of Chicago Law School? It’s legitimate to question his experience on the national and international level. It’s legitimate to want more details from him. However, suggesting he is a token who has to be spoken for is one of the most paternalistic and stupid comments I’ve read even including Joe Biden. This is straight out of the Keyes playbook with the irony being that Keyes’ was the mascot Syverson and Rauschenberger wanted to bring in because he was an articulate black man like Obama.

Are you fucking kidding me with this shit?

But most of all, they put the horse down. How exactly is this a comparison?

Keyes’ Company

The title refers to amazing feats of right wing baloney

Today’s winner: Insight Magazine, a magazine funded by weird religious cult leader, gets into the Obama is really a dangerous Muslim with ties to terrorism because he went to a predominantly muslim school. There’s some irony there.

And Fox News gets in on the lie

There are several problems with the idea, but the most central problem is that it is completely and profoundly ignorant of history. Obama is 10 years older than I am. I was in 5th grade in about 1981. He would have been going back to Hawaii in 1971. Madrassas built by Saudis and espousing Wahabism in different countries didn’t start until the huge increase in oil during the 1970s. So he left before the Saudis started to even undertake the expansion of madrassas in other countries. Oops.

Now, we don’t know from the books whether Obama even attended a madrassa. He said he went to a predominantly Muslim school which would be most schools in Indonesia including the public school system and private schools. Madrassas of the time would have stressed some study of the Koran, but also been fairly broad in the form of instruction, especially compared to today’s madrassas that are Saudi funded and Islamist.

Public schools in Indonesia teach religion–as many conservatives here would like to….