Illinois Congressional Races

The Stakeholder On Bean’s Victory

Melissa Bean’s victory is covered over at the DCCC’s Blog the Stakeholder

In fact, Bean is already a hardened campaigner, having won an impressive 43% against Crane in 2002 – with limited resources! Bean’s campaign is already thriving. She has raised over $150,000 – five times the amount she raised at this point last cycle.

Not only is she a great candidate in a very winnable race (CQ has moved it into the “competative” category), but she is getting a lot of love online.

Hence why I’ll be mentioning her a lot!

Crane held under 70

While that is a pretty healthy victory, consider this is a primary for a long established Member of Congress—so well established that the last person to hold that seat was Don Rumsfeld.

I believe that is a sign of weakness, especially given Phelps ran to Crane’s left. There are some dissatisified Republicans for Melissa Bean to pick up!

Davis walked away with his race as did David Gill in the 15th.

Tari Renner is another good candidate in the 11th, but didn’t face a primary challenge

and neither did Tim Bagwell in the 19th.

Unfortunately, Costello walloped his competition.

Visit and help out the folks above. Bean is probably the one with the best shot, but all three face opponents with problems, especially Renner. Even if they don’t win, set the table so the next go around we can take another shot at Crane, Shimkus, Weller and Johnson.