Fundie Fun


Apparently watching a debate will tell you all about intelligent design and make it scientific.
Unfortunately, there is no falsifiable hypothesis. The arguments boils down to information must be intelligently designed without any way to refute the claim.  Hence, it’s not a scientific argument–it’s a claim of faith.

The first clue might be to search the actual scientific literature, but, you know, videos are the same thing.

Today’s Tosser: Just Cannot Help Herself

Eaton whines:

Frankly, his conclusions are logical for his system of belief about beginnings, which rejects the notion that an Intelligent Designer had anything to do with the way things are on Planet Earth.

Wrong, and I pointed this out:

Nothing Watson said on intelligence is demonstrated by the scientific literature.  And, in fact, his statements are refuted by the literature just as Charles Murray’s claims are.

And history in the United States demonstrates the problem. His assumption of distinct populations that do not interbreed is simply false.  African-Americans in the United States frequently, if not usually, have white ancestors.  Even in the case of isolated tribes in Africa, there is significant genetic evidence that the populations of humans interbreed frequently and such genetic isolation does not exist in reality.

Because Eaton has a caricature of science, she doesn’t understand apparently anything in the post that directly refutes her claim above.  Watson isn’t making a scientific conclusion, he’s making an idiotic bigoted statement refuted by science.
There are not distinct human populations that are not interbred and so at the most basic assumption of Watson’s claim is wrong and nothing logically can follow. Insisting it does does as much abuse to the scientific process as Watson does in his silly claims.

Furthermore, the entire conception of intelligence is flawed as Watson tries to claim.  Of course, the primary person that kind of garbage isn’t Watson, it’s conservative hack Charles Murray.

Finally, evolution isn’t a theory of beginnings–it is a theory about how life on earth changes over time.  More specifically how alleles vary from generation to generation.  Having a basic grasp of what one is talking about is, in most company, considered good form.

Because the intricacies of a micro-organism and the incomprehensible details of something as complex as the human eye or the ear, the brain, the heart, the lungs, not to mention the unfathomable depths of the sea, the infinite universe around us all clearly point to an Intelligent Designer rather than a Cosmic Coincidence, I am a “moron” and a “sh(r)ill beast”?

No, you are moron because you are confusing entire fields of science and multiple theories with one theory that discusses how life has changed over time on Earth.

Evolution doesn’t address God. It addresses biological life that is observable. Unless one believes the evidence for evolution was planted to test one’s faith or perhaps to discover why 42 is so important, it’s the most parsimonious and only non-falsified theory to explain life on Earth as it exists now.

Enemies of Freedom

I swear this belongs on the Colbert Report, but no, it is real.

The winners? Thom Mannard and…

State Senator Dan Kotowksi.

I hope they give him a plaque.  He can put it up in his office and be proud.

Tom Roeser is upset too. It appears someone didn’t know who he was and Dan Kotowski is making a very serious mistake by not going on WLS.

Let’s be clear here.  WLS is a station of rightwing fruitcakes who think they are really, really important and everyone should listen to them because they are very important and very serious.

Bullshit.  WLS is the Fox News of Chicago radio and Democrats should tell them to shove off.  If everyone on your station are wingnuts and your listeners are wingnuts why should a Democrat go on?  To make the small group of very serious people feel good about themselves.

Sorry, that time is over.

Tom Roeser’s show has a small audience of the village elders idiots who claim they are very serious and so they expect everyone to pay attention.  He has no real influence other than with other wingnuts and they don’t vote for Democrats.
There is no reason to bother.  Tom Roeser is nothing more than a bloviating old fool who is self-important.  His best days were when Henry Hyde was still having youthful indiscretions. Whining that someone is too cowardly to come on your show just demonstrates my point.

Daily Dolt: Teh Stupid—IT BURNS!

Eaton over at Illinois Review jumps on James Watson’s rantings about evolution and insists that since he’s a racist, evolution leads to racism.

This is equivalent to arguing because Fran is a moron who doesn’t understand logic or the scientific theory of evolution, believing in Christ makes you a moron.

The most basic problem with her argument is that she cannot distinguish between a positive and a normative argument.  She seems to believe what one believes about the natural world should be based upon what one wants the world to be like.

Science is about making positive statements about the world–or describing the world as it is.

Normative statements are statements about how something should be based on certain principles.

Nothing Watson said on intelligence is demonstrated by the scientific literature.  And, in fact, his statements are refuted by the literature just as Charles Murray’s claims are.

And history in the United States demonstrates the problem. His assumption of distinct populations that do not interbreed is simply false.  African-Americans in the United States frequently, if not usually, have white ancestors.  Even in the case of isolated tribes in Africa, there is significant genetic evidence that the populations of humans interbreed frequently and such genetic isolation does not exist in reality.

IOW, he’s a senile old man who is offensive.

That said, Eaton does not grasp the difference between science being a process of discovering the natural world and wanting the natural world to be the way someone would like it to be.  Science is not in the business of creating a utopian society, it’s in the business of identifying the most parsimonious answer to why natural phenomenon occur.

The Intelligent Design canard feeds off just such ignorance.  There is no testable theory of Intelligent Design and it isn’t science–it’s an attempt by ignorant people to insist the God of the Bible is really Zeus who routinely manipulates the natural world.  Indeed, just this sort of claim led the Pope to recently compare creationists to pagans.

FInally, one doesn’t believe in evolution, one accepts the evidence for evolution.  Again, there is this basic confusion over what science is and evolution only addresses how life on Earth has changed over time, not everything that might be called a ‘beginning.”

Still Busy

So enjoy more creationist follies

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Stop Pornography in The Military

I mean, what greater danger could our troops face than misogynistic crap in the middle of a civil war in which both sides hate us?

Trueman says the Alliance Defense Fund is encouraging citizens to get involved in this fight over this pornography policy. “What we’re going to do is try to get more and more complaints into the military about this policy. Because in justifying this policy by the military what they’ve said [is] they’ve had few complaints from families about the sale of pornography in the military,” he says.

Trueman says sexual harassment and other problems in the military are exacerbated by pornography. He says this new policy, of deeming magazines like Penthouse and Playboy as not sexually explicit, counters common sense.

Transexual Teachers

John Cox is very, very concerned about Transexual Teachers

Why?  That’s a very good question.
The best highlight reel yet of the Values Voter Debate  has been put together by the Drexel Democrats:

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It’s an Illinois Wingnut Convention

Keyes, Cox, and Schlafley make appearances at the Voter Values Debate

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Phyllis is real worried about the black helicopters and world government.

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Cox plays the bestiality card

There’s some more fun from the debate, but only a few clips are available.