Fundie Fun
It’s not the revolving door–it’s using lobbyists to analyze policy impacts
Rich’s column is good this week pointing out that the close relationship to lobbyists and politicians isn’t that unusual and the G-Rod Administration isn’t much different from others–other than the Governor’s penchant for claiming to be different and ending politics as usual. I’d generally agree, though my take on the Keno story is that using estimates from a company that would be a leading bidder for the contractor, even while saying the administration didn’t take the numbers seriously, is the greater problem.
Quote of the Day
“We should never fund education with anything anonymous — Gamblers Anonymous, Smokers Anonymous, Alcoholics Anonymous,”
–Chicago Teachers Union President Marilyn Stewart in the Sun-Times
Sixth District Forum
Liberty Suburban Papers has an article on the 6th District Forum.
Nothing earth shattering, but thought I’d point it out.
The Weakly Joyce: Have you ever seen a Commie drink a glass of water?
Buck had better comment on this one is all I have to say.
Joyce’s title to her screed from a couple weeks ago:
Some fine lines:
To tax the world for this project would be the start of another slippery slope that could end in the United Nations controlling the water of the world..
Water has always been free in public places and drinking fountains readily available. In recent years we have seen people buying bottles of water paying high prices for water than for juice or soft drinks. Is this a trend that leads to de-sensitizing us to pay for all our water?
Actually, the water isn’t free. It’s paid by someone whether by municipality or the storekeeper, but that isn’t free unless you are taking it directly from a body of water. It actually costs something to pump water, clean it and then send it to somewhere else.
It has long been known the environmentalists have been promoting a reduction in the world?s population as they fear we are over-populated and consuming all the earth’s resources. If promoting abortion and homosexuality have not worked to decrease the population in the United States, then apparently it is time to introduce euthanasia as they have in Holland.
Yep, promoting homosexuality is a way of decreasing the population….
The Weakly Joyce
Yeah, I haven’t been motivated, but this weeks screed is hysterical in more ways than one:
From the Shawnee National Forest Plan
Revised Plan response to need for change in recreation management:
The Forest will be a place for everyone to enjoy. There will be campgrounds and picnic areas offering camping, swimming and the enjoyment of the company of others. Others will visit to escape the commotion of towns and cities, to enjoy nature and the quietness of a natural environment. During this decade, one of the main emphases for recreation management will be the establishment of an adequate, well-marked, mapped and maintained trail system. A system of roads and trails will allow people to hike and ride horses and bicycles, and to drive through many parts of the Forest. ATV?s and unlicensed OHM?s will not be allowed except for administrative use, access by emergency vehicles, or use authorized by permit or contract.
Trails will be constructed and improved, with special emphasis on the River-to-River Trail and trails within wilderness. Some user-developed trails will be incorporated into the system while others will be obliterated. New recreation sites (e.g., campgrounds, picnic grounds, boat launches) will be considered, while others will be closed.
So the Forest will allow horses, but only on certain trails that can be maintained given the increasing use of horse on the trails. Bikes will be allowed (funny Joyce doesn’t mention mountain bikes) and hikers, but the group Joyce is pushing is actually a group pushing powered vehicle access too.
Here’s a hint for those who don’t understand what’s being balanced here–previously the forest was pretty much unregulated in terms of usages and now, with overuse, activity is being limited to where the Forest Service can maintain a decent level of activity and the infrastructure for that activity. This isn’t some assault on a way of life, it’s ensuring that users of the forest all have reasonable access to it. She tries to play it off as a fight over whether people can make a living versus a pristine environment when the real balancing act for non-nutballs is preserving a reasonable forest that people actually want to pay to visit.
And for those that actually want to comment to the agency, one can do it here
‘’Has the Internet become the devil’s workshop?
”We’ve got Justice Kennedy writing decisions based upon international law, not the Constitution of the United States? That’s just outrageous,” DeLay said. ”And not only that, but he said in session that he does his own research on the Internet? That is just incredibly outrageous.”
”Has the Internet become the devil’s workshop?” said Dick Durbin of Illinois, the Senate’s No. 2 Democrat. ”Is it some infernal machine now that needs to be avoided by all right-thinking Americans? What is Mr. DeLay trying to say, as he is stretching to lash out at judges who happen to disagree with his political point of view?”