Department of Corrections
Apparently that whole PEER thing about employees being told to not discuss the age of the Grand Canyon….not true. At all. Sorry. I’ll be double checking if not just ignoring their stuff from now on.
Call It A Comeback
Apparently that whole PEER thing about employees being told to not discuss the age of the Grand Canyon….not true. At all. Sorry. I’ll be double checking if not just ignoring their stuff from now on.
In attempting to make the pre-primary reports mildly interesting I included a couple of the donations to Roskam’s campaign including one John S. Fund, which is not the John Fund of the Wall Street Journal. In fact, it is not a person, it is a PAC. Fund of the Journal indicates he hasn’t donated to a political campaign in over 20 years. My mistake. Hell, it might not be the former Congressman Michael Flanagan either (actually I’m pretty sure on that one).
Sorry to John Fund of the WSJ for any confusion. Frankly, I was getting bored with the reports by then. Hence, jokes about the amounts of expenditures as well. While a silly mistake, still not as bad as saying Gephardt was the VP nominee.
The two polls I took down were unclear on the timeline of when they occurred. I shouldn’t have put them up at all until I clarified the situation, but being in a hurry, I thought they’d be interesting. Given the issues I’m going to leave them down. The Coulson poll below is an early poll (I believe) which I should have picked up on by looking at it closer. The mistake was my own for not taking the time to get what I was putting up straight. Berkowitz has a bit on some of it.
Some issues came up that I don’t trust the numbers I had posted. As of right now, it appears to be a communication error between who I received them from–for some background go to the newly redesigned Capitol Fax site. I’m trying to verify what the situation with the Coulson poll is. When I can address it, I will as I did with the Gephardt is the VP nominee screw up.
For some on the issue of blog reliability see Zorn. My answer to many critics is–well, yes, many blogs are simply partisan rants. Sometimes mine is, but I do try and take accuracy seriously and be fair (different than unbiased).
The house is suffering from an electrical outage, but fortunately I was able to warm up the large servings of crow I’m currently devouring. Add a little salt and it isn’t so bad. If we figure out how the crack (ed. If you are indeed crack wouldn’t that mean you would make mistakes like this?) team here at ArchPundit got that one wrong, we’ll let you know.
Given the power outage and a busy day expect slow postings today until this evening.
Feel free to add potential new slogans for ArchPundit in comments. I’m leaning towards
ArchPundit: At least the corrections are more entertaining than in big media.
Also meaning if I owe you an e-mail, it’ll be a while until I get to it.