Pay the Rent? Uh no, but Does pay the Bandwidth!
Maureen Ryan does an article on blog ads and their explosion. For some they can be significant, but to now I’ve found that the ads do a good job meeting my bandwidth costs and a bit more in terms of meeting other costs of being a blogger and not much more. It’s nice and I don’t do this for money so that is perfect for me. That said, being a largely regionally run blog, while site visits continue to increase steadily in the last few months, my traffic is relatively low compared to Eschaton or Daily Kos.
Apparently I Hate America
According to the So-Called Austin Mayor
If only Rod was that mad at me….
Maureen Ryan really needs her own blog
Because this is good sci-fi geek stuff she is peddling today. SG-1 Atlantis is about to start and, okay, I’m excited.
What Happened?
Cattle Call was up last night. Sigh–I’ll get it back up soon.
New Advertiser
The Wall Street Journal is a new advertiser offering up a cheap monthly rate for just political commentary. Not a bad deal, and I’m thinking about it—-even though I’m not a fan of the Journal’s opinion pages there is plenty of right wing material to have fun with 😉
Instant Messaging
I just signed on to IM as ArchPundit on Yahoo for like the second time ever and had some requests to add me as a friend–feel free to do so, maybe I’ll try and be online more often. Never quite got the hang of it, but we’ll see.
I Can’t thank everyone
Because there were too many of you who sent me e-mails with the NY Post Gephardt story. A few even sent links to buy a copy of e-bay. I appreciate it–and will keep them around to remind me of reporting the uncertainty of even what seem like certain tips.
I’m a Punchline
I figure if I give it, I ought to take it. From today’s Hotline:
The Pick
NBC/MSNBC beat Fox by three minutes. Fox beat ABC by three minutes. Yesterday’s Hotline got the scoop on how a Pittsburgh-area airport mechanic posted information about new decals on the Kerry campaign plane on a bulleting board at 9:44pm Monday night. But it was bgibson on the Edwards Campaign Blog that solidified everything with a post at 6:24am: “Kerry is up now in his hotel about to call Gephardt and Vilsack and say I am sorry but I have chosen John Edwards, I have a friend at the Kinkos in downtown Pittsburgh who has been printing bios and campaign materials that he has been packing with pre-printed…. drum roll…KERRY/EDWARDS logos… You all are the first to know, however, according to this source the literature says, “as you now know either from your e-mail from this morning or the news media…, so you will be hearing this in about an hour or so…” Meanwhile, DailyKos pokes fun at the New York Post for their Gephardt-gaffe. Don’t be too hard on them — they probably got their info from ArchPundit. And CampaignDesk tried talking to a political editor at the Post about what really happened.
The Post refuses to explain what happened, and unfortunately so must I. I’m not sure you’d believe me if I told you, but let’s say that living in Saint Louis had nothing to do with how the tip came down.
Power’s On–Cattle Call Open Thread
OK, power’s on, but a busy day ahead. Cattle call is way behind so I’ll run it tonight for the Illinois Republican Senate Nomination. Leave your comments below! And look for updates later.