Bring In Cheney–That’ll Help

Given the most recent Rasmussen poll squares with the other polls (also calls into question the Rassmussen poll that had Jack at 40)

Kerry 54%
Bush 38

Having a high profile event with Cheney is, well, stupid.

Then again, Jack is polling below Bush. Tieing himself to Bush gives him nothing to win this election on. The snarky bits about George Soros or Hillary Clinton coming from the campaign aren’t going to work when either has a higher rating than who you are raising cash with.

Jack! is also promising to match every dollar received in donations with $.50.

Now, the millionaire amendment in campaign finance reform is hard to analyze, but that would indicate to me that once this occurs, Jack! triggers higher limits for Obama to exploit. So instead of being limited to $2000 per individual, if Ryan kicks in $509,320 it is $4000. At $1,018,640 its $6,000 and at only $2,037,280 Obama can collect $12,000 a person. At $5,093,200 the limit is $12,000,000 and unlimited party coordinated funds kick in. How realistic is that? If Ryan is planning on spending $15,000,000 in the general–not a huge sum kicks it up to about that. Even at the $3,000,000 for the general he originally pledged, Obama’s collection limits go up. There are some cases where if Obama can raise so much, the limits go back down–but don’t negate early contributions.

Jack has to announce his intentions and once he makes a promise like he does above, he’s going to have file expected amounts and the limits kick in.

Disclaimer: There are about a thousand things I’m leaving out here.

But in a case with a national star running, Ryan spending his own money is going to give Obama the ability to raise high dollar donations again. Now, the one issue there is the less he has to raise nationally, the more available for other races so donate at the right….(sneaky heh?)

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