Breitbart’s Conspiracy Theorists

Media Matters notes that Andrew Breitbart has one of his writers insisting 9-11 and Oklahoma City were inside jobs:

Breitbart Defends Posting The Rants Of 9-11 Truther Michael Moriarty

February 09, 2011 4:28 pm ET by Eric Hananoki

On Tuesday, Andrew Breitbart defended his decision to feature the writings of former Law and Orderactor Michael Moriarty, who believes the September 11 and Oklahoma City attacks were inside jobs. Breitbart said that while he opposes Moriarty’s 9-11 conspiracy theories, he believes in “more voices, not less, unlike the left.”

“If he decides to try and take his 9-11 Truther stuff to my site, he’ll be laughed off the site on that argument alone,” Breitbart said at a talk for The George Washington University’s College Republicans. “He fights a very selective battle on that thing, and he’s just one voice out of many. I believe in more voices, not less, unlike the left, that’s why I created the Huffington Post.”

Breitbart added: “I have more voices, not less. I didn’t fight when people exposed that. I didn’t know that when he first started writing, but he does not have a platform to put that on my site.”




Of course, those of us who know the truth, know it was actually Michael Moriarity behind the attacks with his abilities shown in The 4400:



0 thoughts on “Breitbart’s Conspiracy Theorists”
  1. How sad—-not only Law and Order but one of the greatest baseball movies ever, Bang the Drum Slowly. How will I ever watch again?

  2. Moriarty is showing the same judgment he showed when he decided he was the star of Law & Order and was entitled to a big raise. Dick Wolf replaced him like a burned-out lightbulb, and he hasn’t recovered.

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