Breaking—$16,000 in TV thrown down for Brad Cole

Granted, $16,000 isn’t much in media heavy markets, but this is a race for Mayor of Carbondale where the opponent is limiting donations to $50.

I’m working on confirming the details, but the money appears to be from Denny Hastert’s KOMPAC (Keep Our Majority Mission). KOMPAC already donated $1000 in Cole’s last report, but nothing is reported on it’s expenditures in terms of Illinois disclosure. The $1,000 donation didn’t trigger the $3,000 threshold so no documenation was filed by KOMPAC and this is after the 30 day report, they are only required to file a D-1 within 5 days of exceeding the threshold.  Ingemunson runs an Illinois PAC for Denny, but the money came from the national PAC which changed it’s status at the beginning of the year and is no longer required to submit monthly reports.

Tom Cross is really going all out for the guy and one has to assume there is some polling out there saying Cole is in a lot of trouble if they are dropping this kind of cash on a Mayor’s race.

3 thoughts on “Breaking—$16,000 in TV thrown down for Brad Cole”
  1. The kicker is that Cole is running radio ads suggesting that Simon is running a “negative campaign.” The guy worked for George Ryan as “Assistant Governor” (see:,0,6829203.story) for some flavor) and she hasn’t even mentioned Ryan’s name ONE TIME in the entire race. He has close ties to Henry Fischer, convicted child molestor — a guy to whom he paid over three times the assessed valuation for a dilapidated building (The American Tap). She hasn’t mentioned that either. I could go on and on about how he hasn’t played above board, yet she refuses to be negative.

    So what are the referring to? She questioned his personal travel on the public’s dime at a press conference where she raised budget issues. So let’s review:

    -He is quoted as saying he “isn’t running negative ads,” but has a commercial on the air saying Simon is a Blago cronie.

    -She is accused of running a negative campaign even though she refuses to use the most obvious (and easy) material. All the buzz has been about wondering why the city should pay for things like a trip for the swearing in of an immigration judge in Chicago.


  2. KOMPAC is KOMPAC regardless of the name. It’s the only thing that changed:
    Committee ID: C00307405
    Treasurer Name: Lisker, Lisa

    Rove —> Abramoff —> DeLay —> Hastert —> KOMPAC —> Cole

    A vote for Cole’s little cartel really means fraud & autocracy.

    Long-term result: IL becomes a puppet state for Texas.

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