Brady’s Intern Checking Lex Green Signatures

0 thoughts on “Brady’s Intern Checking Lex Green Signatures”
  1. I’m just shocked… shocked I tell you that Brady’s people are checking Lex Green’s petitions…

    Next you’ll tell me Pat Quinn is behind the effort to knock Doc Walls off the ballot…

    I just can’t handle the unforseen drama.

  2. I just checked the website, and it is working.

    I wasn’t shocked to find out that Brady is directly going after Lex Green. Brady knows that Lex is a much stronger and principled candidate for governor of this state than he is, so Brady’s only hope of possibly winning this election is to eliminate his competition. However, I don’t believe Brady stands a chance to win, even if he can knock his opponents off the ballot.

    This year, I discovered how unfair the ballot access laws of Illinois are, and the process used to throw third party and independent candidates is even more corrupt.

    The Republicans and Democrats have been stealing voter options for years. Until the people of this state have the option of voting for principled candidates such as Lex Green, our state will continue to be held hostage by the intensely crooked two-party system.

    I refuse to vote for Brady or Quinn. Until we start putting principle over party, we will never dig our way out of the trenches. Let’s just hope that Brady won’t have the chance to eliminate Lex Green, or any other decent candidate off the ballot. We will soon know.

  3. John, I know that was all tongue in Cheek. Brady’s people were there checking out our petitions the week before. BUT, interestingly, I enlisted their help and it ended up they were as excited about finding the person on the voter registration as we were.

    By the way….
    Inactive/Cancelled is NOT an objectionable offense and neither is the “Voted in the Primary” objection. ALL of these objections were supposed to be overruled.

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