Blagojevich on the Stand

If only there was video in federal courtrooms.  For those in the room–is the prosecution drooling?

Great quote so far:

“I think when I was governor, of the 50 of us in America, I was the only one who could spin a basketball on his finger,” Blagojevich interjected.

0 thoughts on “Blagojevich on the Stand”
  1. There are some who have suggested that prosecutors sprung a trap on Blago to encourage him to take the stand. We shall see. I love all of the so-called experts who are saying that Blago may woo the jury just as he did Illinois voters. The prosecutors have been waiting for several years to take on Rod. They will not be like journalists who never really did their homework and could not or would not ask tough questions. Cross-examination is not a press-conference and the Judge and the prosecutors will not play by Blago’s rules.

    We will see but always keep in mind what I said after the last trial, “two things you never know, who a widow will marry and what a jury will do.”

  2. Very good last point.

    I expect the cross examination to be pretty brutal. If you remember Robert’s short cross-examination, it went very badly and Robert was far less exposed.

  3. I had forgotten about Robert. I do think that the government will seek to call rebuttal witnesses that may blow Rod out of the water. Then they can turn to Rod and say “THANK YOU VERA MUCH”

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