Bill Holland Center Stage

They are questioning Holland over audits he peformed of various agencies.  Holland does an incredible job and is a just the facts kind of guy so he’s avoiding making statements about criminal culpability, but the best line I’ve seen (and I think it was from Illinois Review’s coverage)–at best it was lousy government.

And here is my pet peeve, and something I’ll explore in more detail as I can, but we have had ample evidence this idiot has been running state government into the ground with multiple audits Holland has performed.  We didn’t have to wait for the tape.

0 thoughts on “Bill Holland Center Stage”
  1. The more I watch of the process I am becoming convinced that while Blago was inept and evil, he was able to keep afloat because the legislature was worse. Right now they are clearly showing that they are far more inept than the Governor.

    The Speaker bears some responsibility for this mess because he did nothing while the State fell apart. And now that Humpty Dumpty has fallen off the wall the Speaker has no idea what to do next to put the State back together.

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