Instapundit is trying to sell the Islamic connection to the snipers still. The reference is to the Moonie Times and as usual, there is no actual evidence. This shouldn’t be a surprise. Given we have evidence of attacks all across the country that fit the amazing non-pattern of a spree and reasons for the cross country killing trek, one would generally conclude, we have two nuts on a killing spree.
That would be the case if it wasn’t for repeating the mantra "Everything has changed now" caused one’s brain to fall out.
The reality is the world hasn’t changed a bit other than some big craters being created. The perception of safety may have changed, but the world is no more or no less dangerous than before 9-11. The inability to grasp this basic point has lead to paranoia looking for Islamist terrorism where it doesn’t exist. The conclusion of the more rabid paranoid individuals is that barring clear disproof, Islamist terrorist must be the cause of any evil act. If only the world was that simple. The number of dangers hasn’t changed and a whole bunch were present before that aren’t Islamist in nature. Those dangers haven’t gone anywhere.
A lot of paranoia isn’t a big deal for a group of people on vanity web sites, but it sure would be a bad way to run a country. The world is a dangerous place in more than one way. Assuming the cause of any particular act is automatically Islamist doesn’t help a rational evaluation of different threats. Fortunately, vanity web sites aren’t that influential.