Barthwell Resigns Administration Post

7 thoughts on “Barthwell Resigns Administration Post”
  1. I Googled Barthwell ~~ recently former Democrat, pro-choice, pix with Ray LaHood (hmmm), latest national drug czaress speaking points against medical marijuana ~~~ I cannot believe the IL GOP will accept this one unless they are truly hopeless to find the right candidate and/or they are strong-armed by the Bush group.

  2. If the GOP goes with her, it will backfire badly. Here’s someone that even people familiar with politics don’t know. She used to be a Democrat, it appears. She has limited governmental experience. Then she’s vaulted to the top of the ticket.

    Unless she’s a surprisingly good campaigner, she’ll pale in comparison to Barack. Don’t you think a lot of voters will think, “They only chose her because she’s black”? African Americans will just resent the GOP even more (is that possible?) and white independents will be turned off by the cynicism.

  3. “She describes herself as a moderate Republican, supporting abortion rights but opposing so-called partial birth abortions” quote from article in today’s Sun Times. You’re right, I didn’t document the other para-phrased data.

  4. Interesting. Now here is the question: Is this shaping up to be the moderates vs. Conservatives showdown at OK corral that baar-topinka wanted to save for the govs race?

  5. Glenn: that’s an interesting question. But if it were Topinka setting up a showdown, wouldn’t she want the sacrificial lamb to be a conservative? I’m just not sure how she wins by having a moderate lose — and lose badly — to Obama.

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