“You go to Wrigley Field, you have a beer, beautiful people up there,” Obama said, according to transcripts released by ESPN. “People aren’t watching the game. It’s not serious. White Sox, that’s baseball.”
Okay, usually games are getting ruined at Wrigley by drunk dumbasses who don’t know the game. Not the time to bring it up thoguh
Speaking the truth, even if drunk yuppies don’t like it. But, let’s be honest, any self-respecting idiot Cub fan with their “Rory Cow” shirts and Fukodome hats won’t be sober enough to vote on election day anyway.
Y’all can suck it. Hard.
You too, Senator.
Our division lead is bigger than yours and it’s clear you’ve got a bad case of … envy.
On the other hand, he may have picked up a few Cardinals fans like old AA.
Now here is a new way to think about Obama, from the prism of North Side Vs. South Side.
It is a good time to be from either side of town…but at least Obama has picked his team in Chicago. We’ll have to see if we can get some stories on Obamatracker.com about his future baseball comments.
Barack has gone too far.
While I applaud his honesty, I am a Sox fan. We all know that Cub fans no nothing about baseball. Only Barack has the courage to state it publicly.
This is just a cynical political ploy to pick up the votes of Cardinal fans in Missouri. Should he win that state he will probaly be the next President.
McCain has responded by noting that while he was a POW he kept himself alive by thinking about Andy Palfko, Hank Sauer and Phil Cavaretta.
Ouch, Stuart. Many ouches in fact.
This is no time for Sen. Obama to sell out his core values.
The Cubs suck.
Cubs fans suck.
Wrigley Field sucks.
Wrigleyville sucks.
Those are the four cornerstones of a principled campaign!
cub fans have no problem dismissing such pronouncements from southside backers. and we can even still respect them (and vote for them) based on their other qualifications.
for Barack’s sake, i hope he’s not headfirst in on a cub/whitesox wins bet. could be a huge number this year.