Babykillers! And The Tea Party/Illinois Review are Stuck with Him

Mark Kirk hates blastocyst-Americans and the Illinois Review is pissed.


Thursday morning, U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk will hold a press conference at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s College of Medicine Research Building to remind any softening conservative, prolife Republicans that he not only doesn’t agree with their respect for life at embryonic stages, he wants to make taxpayer funding of embryo experimentation permanent.

Indeed, the Republicans’ candidate for U.S. Senate emphasized his support for using embryos in his introductory “Independent” political ad by emphasizing he was one of the few Republicans that opposed President George W. Bush limited experimentation on cell lines to those already existing at the time.  It must be that Kirk fears his call for making taxpayer funding permanent would be rejected by a radically pro-abort Democratic Congress and president.


The thing is–Illinois Review and the Tea Partiers are completely impotent when it comes to defeating Mark Kirk.  Oh, they can whine and they can complain, but they ultimately are going to have to vote for him.  They thought they had a challenger to Kirk in the primary and he completely fizzled out.  Despite the gay bashing, despite the raw power of the tea partiers, they could do nothing to improve on the performance of Jack Roeser when he ran against Jim Edgar.

For all the big claims of the rising conservative wingnuts in Illinois, they have nothing.  The Tea Party and Illinois Review have talked for years how they are rising and how they will ultimately win, but they have shown no ability to do so.  They whine, they complain, they lose and the only competitive Republicans are moderates with the now sole exception of Bill Brady who is running against a guy with the approval ratings of George Ryan.

If Mark Kirk succeeds, their entire argument falls on its face. They have argued the path to true Republican resurgence in Illinois is abandoning the middle of the ideological spectrum and running wingnuts who please the base.  It is only the True Conservative (TM) who can beat the dastardly Democrats.  Yet, they are on the verge of being shown to be completely irrelevant to the GOP calculation in selecting candidates.  If they win with Kirk, it demonstrates the entire argument by the right wing over the last few years is utter nonsense.

What’s funny is how they are lying down while it happens.  Sure, we get criticisms of Kirk like the one above, but there is no serious movement to a third party or independent challenge. They simply seem to be laying down to let Kirk prove how useless they are.

0 thoughts on “Babykillers! And The Tea Party/Illinois Review are Stuck with Him”
  1. I wish the True Conservatives™ would sabotage Kirk. It’s the only way Giannoulias will have a chance. Sadly, as you point out, they’re powerless.

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