Awesome Hire for Terry McCauliffe

Lis Smith

Terry McAuliffe has hired Elisabeth Smith to be his press secretary. Smith, who goes by Liz, will work with Delacey Skinner, McAuliffe’s communications director.

Last year, Smith worked for Dan Seals, an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois. In 2006, Smith served as Sen. Claire McCaskill’s (D-Mo.) press secretary.

Lis is very smart and very talented.

0 thoughts on “Awesome Hire for Terry McCauliffe”
  1. a) Her candidate won in 2006. Please read.

    2) Running against an incumbent is never the most favorable condition imaginable.

  2. John, Lis did not work on the Seals campaign for the first run (hence, she did not “lose twice”) and was quite adept in her role during the second run (she was in communications, not field or management, etc)…

    As the Doc noted, the campaign Lis worked on in 2006 (Claire McCaskill for Senate) did win, and that race was at least as tough as IL-10 at that.

    Take your foot outta your mouth, bub. 🙂

    As for McCauliffe as a candidate in the first place… gah.

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