The house is suffering from an electrical outage, but fortunately I was able to warm up the large servings of crow I’m currently devouring. Add a little salt and it isn’t so bad. If we figure out how the crack (ed. If you are indeed crack wouldn’t that mean you would make mistakes like this?) team here at ArchPundit got that one wrong, we’ll let you know.

Given the power outage and a busy day expect slow postings today until this evening.

Feel free to add potential new slogans for ArchPundit in comments. I’m leaning towards

ArchPundit: At least the corrections are more entertaining than in big media.

Also meaning if I owe you an e-mail, it’ll be a while until I get to it.

15 thoughts on “At Least The Gas is Working”
  1. Look at it this way… at least you aren’t print, like the NY Post.

    And your tip made us all that much happier when it turned out to be Edwards all along. Whew!

    – Marc

  2. I am reminded of a story: A few years back a state in the northwest decided their biology department should do a survey of predatory birds–this might have been related to the spotted owl controversy now that I think of it–and so the biologists went out and caught the feathered creatures and banded them so their movements could be tracked. The bands were stamped with the name of the agency, which of course had to be abbreviated somewhat so the birds could still fly.

    All is going well until one day they get a letter from a rural resident: “Dear sirs, I have been meaning to thank you for adding cooking instructions to the legs of birds as this is very convenient. However I have tried your recipe repeatedly and WASH BIOL SURV just does not taste very good. ”

    You went with the news you had, don’t see how anybody can blame you for that. Cheers and best of luck with the elect. problems. 🙂

  3. Don’t worry about it. I wouldn’t be surprised if people around the Kerry campaign were told to leak various stories throughout the weekend as to raise the hype / buzz.

  4. I was also surprised. It must have be based on the surprising numbers that Edwards was bringing in more Midwesterners to the ticket than Gep.

  5. Hey, don’t worry about it bud – everyone blows a call now and then. I’ve certainly done my share of it at times.

    At least you’re not afraid to fess up, unlike many in corproate media.

  6. Look at it this way. Since most of the liberal/left blogosphere dreaded Gephardt, this way we all got a nice, unexpected surprise.

    Much better than if it had been the reverse, don’t you think?

  7. At least you don’t mind the taste of crow too much, and we promise not to rub your face in it. The repugs will starve before they munch on the crow-shaped WMDs.

  8. C’mon, Kerry probably picked Gephardt before he picked Edwards.

    As far as a slogan goes, you could go with “More Accurate Than Weather Forecasts.” Or “Where The Entertainment Comes First.” Or “Only The Local Gossip Columnist Breaks More News.”

  9. i can lie, it’s fun speculating. i was taken more aback when dean was ahead in preprimary polls… and then kerry appeared to come out of nowhere.

    so yeah, it’s fun to speculate but i fear this is politics as usual. seriously, 3rd party regulations need to be loosened.. i’m in favor of irv and nota, no bones about it.

  10. Cool, you made the National Journal Hotline today, and yea, Edwards felt a lot better, knowing it might have been Gephardt:

    The Pick
    NBC/MSNBC beat Fox by three minutes. Fox beat ABC by three minutes. Yesterday’s Hotline got the scoop on how a Pittsburgh-area airport mechanic posted information about new decals on the Kerry campaign plane on a bulleting board at 9:44pm Monday night. But it was bgibson on the Edwards Campaign Blog that solidified everything with a post at 6:24am: “Kerry is up now in his hotel about to call Gephardt and Vilsack and say I am sorry but I have chosen John Edwards, I have a friend at the Kinkos in downtown Pittsburgh who has been printing bios and campaign materials that he has been packing with pre-printed…. drum roll…KERRY/EDWARDS logos… You all are the first to know, however, according to this source the literature says, “as you now know either from your e-mail from this morning or the news media…, so you will be hearing this in about an hour or so…” Meanwhile, DailyKos pokes fun at the New York Post for their Gephardt-gaffe. Don’t be too hard on them — they probably got their info from ArchPundit. And CampaignDesk tried talking to a political editor at the Post about what really happened.

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