And The People Continue to Be Far Ahead of Their Elected Officials

Rich has several reports out from Democrats and Republicans in the State Senate being ‘worried’ that the House witness list has been shortened and other sorts of hand wringing.

Apparently they are worried that the people need to have more presented about Blagojevich’s abuse of power for them to fully support his removal from office.
Bullcrap.  Seriously–no one I know is buying into any of the arguments Blagojevich is making nor do they have any questinos about his abuse of power–they lived the last six years observing it and want it over with.  If there is a consistent complaint it is about how long the General Assembly has dragged this out.

0 thoughts on “And The People Continue to Be Far Ahead of Their Elected Officials”
  1. And now…he will appear before us in all his majesty and grandeur to deliver his St. Crispin’s day speech tomorrow!

    His Twitter is already calling for Illinoisians to call their Senators and tell them to allow him to bring witnesses. WTF!

  2. There are some people buying into the Governor’s argument. But they are not from Illinois. They are the “Villagers” from out east. The same folks who told us the Clintons were Arknsas rubes and hicks and who obsessed for years about what Bill Clinton had in his pants. For them the world is one big news story to fill up time on television and newspapers.

    They make me sick.

    Let them start doing some work on real stories and the problems we face in Illinois and inother states. Our Governor and legislature simply lack the courage and acument to face up to the many problems we face. It is time that we all face up to it and recognize that we need to make tought choices in though times. the party is over and we need to get to work.

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