I’m a big fan. I find the morning show with Chuck D and the others decent and I really find Franken funny.

Many expected that liberals couldn’t demagogue and to some degree that is true (Randi Rhodes is quite good at it though). Franken plays well to what younger liberals find funny and is very entertaining. And the ratings show it.

They still need to work on the business plan, but I’m betting by years end they’ll be in most major cities. Rhodes is annoying, the guy after her weird and boring, but the Chuck D, Franken and night time show with Garafola are quite entertaining for partisans.

6 thoughts on “Air America”
  1. Yeah, but tell that to Mike Anderson (the guy who runs stlmedia.net). He likes to cut down Air America (and a few of his message-board minions – especially some joker who calls homself ohplease) on a regular basis. You can set your watch to it.

    Of course, he regularly puts his right-wing views on his web site as well. It’s to the point where I wonder if it’s a political, rather than a media gossip, site.

    Visit the site and see for yourself. Personally, I think he’s nothing more than a Frank O.Pinion butt-kissing suckup.

  2. Is there a radio professional out there that can explain to me why, if the ratings are this good, Air America Radio isn’t back on the air in Chicagoland.

    It seems to me that there are several small stations in the Chicago market that sell blocks of time to all kinds of buyers, including those infomercials that are meant to fool the listener into thinking they are call-in shows. I would think that AAR could buy some air-time from the station, put *actual* call-in programming on the air and, based on its remarkable ratings, sell advertising to cover the cost of the time.

    I know that this kind of self-syndicating model is less than ideal — Air America Radio wants to be a “network” not a collection of syndicated shows. But if its purpose — in addition to making some money — is to influence the political process, that purpose would be best served by getting their programming on the air where they can before November. And there seems to be a strong interest in Chicago.

    Can someone in the radio biz explain why I am wrong?

  3. Thanks St. Louis Media Wonk-I pop in from time to time and just skip Anderson’s rants. It’s a pretty insular world as it is and Anderson seems caught up in it. I find AA entertaining–other than Rhodes, but she is red meat to some people.

    And AM–I’d be interested in hearing that too–I wonder if it doesn’t have to do with existing contracts–since you have to clear the whole station, that might interfere with current contracts? Just guessing.

  4. Good ratings do not equal economic success. They need to hire some professional, motivated salespeople.

    Note to self: Cross Blagojevich sweatshirt off AP christmas list, get Air America hat instead.

    Randi Rhodes is a goddess, you swine.

  5. No problem! Glad to let you know what’s going on. Hey, it’s Mike’s world – we just live in it! *LOL*

    BTW, just got a new home computer for the first time so I hope to make a few contributions from time to time. Looking forward to it! Take care!

  6. Though Americans are a civilized people who represent beliefs like equality, I am highly irritated when they proclaim to be the champions of freedom because there are things in the past that America did that will never be resolved. The brutal invasion into Panama where hundreds of poor civilians, maybe thousands where killed for no reason. Many people who lived in poverty where forced into camps and the United States installed a oppressive goverment which was primarily concearned with America’s interests.
    South America, during the Reagan years the US installed brutal dictators in some countries to portect their interests. How can the US be allies with countries that still opress and take advantage of the less fortunate.
    Although the war on terrorism is extremely vital, I believe the Bush administration are going to use it to justify and a massive increase in the size of the military and justify a more militant foreign policy. The United States is going to do everything to maintain its military and economic dominance.
    I feel forboding when I think about the future, I hope I’m wrong.

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