Only long time readers know why this is so funny.

6 thoughts on “Ah, The Memories”
  1. I thought McCain was McCain’s first choice for Kerry’s VP…

    Yet another of the “maverick’s” flip-flops.

    In 2000 he ran as a Republican for president.

    In 2004 he wanted to run on the Dem ticket with Kerry, before being jilted and then running to hug Pres. Bush.

    In 2008 he’s back to running as a Republican, but with completely opposite strategies, platforms and endorsement routes than in 2000.

    What would 2012 bring?

  2. McCain’s been a long time friend of Kerry… and I suspect they will continue friends through 2012.

    It was a popular idea among Democrats in 2004.

    The Kerry/McCain ticket draws 15% of Republican voters while keeping the same level of support among Democrats – 80% – that Kerry enjoys alone. However, the addition of McCain brings many more veterans to the Democratic camp: tested one-on-one against Bush, Kerry loses to Bush among veterans, 54% to 41%. With Kerry and McCain together, the two tickets split the veteran vote.

    Independent voters, too, move to the Kerry/McCain ticket: 51% of them support Kerry over Bush, while 57% would back a Kerry/McCain ticket.

  3. Just as polls from June typically do not reflect the final, actual “poll” on Election Day, so too do polls from May 26th of an Election Year.

    PS: Re-read the first line of the passage which you quote. It was a popular idea among Republicans — drawing 15% of Republican voters to Kerry. It had no effect on the 80% of Dems who supported Kerry with or without McFlip-Flop.

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