Okay, so you’ll notice on the left side a little Blogginois Ad Network thingy—three of us talked about it for a while and I started an Illinois Blog Ad Network. Currently it includes Bill from Peoria Pundit, the IlliniPundit Collective and me. If you have 500 visits a day and would be interested in signing up for Blog Ads, update regularly, and are a politics/current events type of blogger let me know. If you are an Illinois blogger already with Blog Ads, definitely let me know and we’ll get you added. We worked on this a while ago and IP turned into a collective and Bill and I let the ball drop. The idea behind it is that those interested in contacting an Illinois audience interested in politics would have an easy place to go.
What’s really embarrassing–both have surpassed me in traffic. Okay, Bill has has some visuals and IP has multiple authors, but it’s still weird.
We would love to have a better logo, but I’m not sure we’re willing to pay for it. So for now, that’s it.