Kevin McCullough: Stupid or Dishonest

In his most recent tirade at the Leader he attacks Barack Obama for supporting suspect classification based on sexual orientation for employment, housing and other public interactions.

Obama’s turn in the legislature has been footnoted with radical initiatives. He was co-sponsor to the most radical pro-homosexual legislation to be put forward in the Illinois state senate – SB101. The bill actually attempted to have homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, and trans-gendered individuals added to the Illinois civil rights act.

This bill would have equated active homosexual behavior to the same status as being born with African, Latino, or Asian, DNA. It also would have opened the door to “Homosexual Affirmative Action” allowing people preference in jobs, housing, or even getting married – because of homosexual behavior. On his campaign web-site Obama had posted his clear intentions of furthering this agenda.

This agenda means you can’t fire or hire someone based on who they love. You can’t discriminate in housing based on who someone loves. That’s all. It isn’t affirmative action at all–that is a lie. Suspect classification means that to differentiate based on the characteristic you have to meet a high burden of proof that such a distinction serves a purpose. We offer that protection to people due to their race, their religion, their gender, their national background and more.

How radical is this legislation? It is so radical that local ordinances similar to it have been passed in that bastion of radicalism Normal, Illinois. In Bloomington too. In Peoria.

Of course, Kevin is trying to terrify you with his claims of the horror of equal treatment, but he slips up and implies that marriage is included in SB 101. It is not.

And, in fact, Obama doesn’t support gay marriage. He supports civil unions that allow life long partners to enter into contracts that allow them to share the same rights as married folks. But not call it marriage. And he thinks federal benefits ought to be available to those in such unions so he opposes the Defense of Marriage Act.

He believes in limited government where adults in consensual, loving relationships are allowed to decide for themselves what is moral.

2 thoughts on “Kevin McCullough: Stupid or Dishonest”
  1. For future reference: I support affirmative action for gays. I would vote for legislation that FORCES your church to hire GAYS AND LESBIANS as pastors. (Why should Catholics have all the stylish vestiments and cool hats?)

    I would FORCE schools to hire GAY AND LESBIAN teachers to teach your kids safe sex techniques and how to treat other people with respect.

    I would force you to rent your apartments to GAY AND LESBIAN renters.

    Obama is such a reactionary compared to me.

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