Christine gave me a good amount of time yesterday. I didn’t have the twins begging for attention so I was able be a bit more organized for this one. I imagine I’ll have it up Wednesday/Thursday. Tenatively, I’m planning on posting some of it at Illinoize and some at Soap Box Chicago if Jeff likes the idea.
Jeff likes the idea. But hell, that’s not how it works at SoapBlox (with an l, like with bagels). There could be a number of people who could object, and then we’d have to hash it out as we’ve never gotten around to rule making. Damn democracy can be hard.
But you’ve already got all the mojo you need with us to just do it. And send it directly to the front page. If we aren’t happy about it, well that’s what the comments are for. And if we really weren’t happy then we’d take away your mojo. Except that you are part of us, so the we would get complicated.
Which boils down to a yes, “we” all like the idea!